Sunday, December 28, 2008

I smell an Oscar.

MovieWeb - Movie Photos, Videos & More

I got a "Get Out of Jail Free" card last night and let me tell you, it was so worth it. My sister-in-law is new to this "Get Out of Jail Free" stuff, so I was so glad that she used it on this movie. Papa Pitt really did good on this film. Cate Blanchett was, as usual, fantastic. And this movie was the best I've seen in a while. So Moms if you are reading this and thinking that you need a night out, go see this movie! You will not be sorry, in fact, think of it as a little post-holiday gift to yourself. It's not too dramatic, it's not silly, and it doesn't have Jennifer Aniston in it. Which make it a definite "Must See". Oh and also, I don't care if (yawn) Marley and Me beat The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in box office sales, you won't be seeing Aniston or the dog on the red carpet this awards season.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A little HO! HO! HO!

I found this on youtube and thought it was funny. Turn of my playlist to enjoy....

Merry Christmas! HO! HO! HO!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

No I am not in AA. I just use it for the prayer.

"God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference."

So, normally I don't like to talk about faith or God, however, I would like to tell you a little bit about what "The Serenity Prayer" means to me. First, I am not an addict. But, when my sissy and I saw Rachel Getting Married, (which you must see because it kicks ass), during one of her meeting scenes they are saying this prayer and I was totally moved my its words and how it can be applied to my life as a mom or wife. I've heard it before, but never really listened to what it means.

I know that I complain about my husband and son and how they drive me crazy, but I really do love them and I guess I can be a bit rigid and I know that I just need to let it go.

What I am suggesting, I guess, is for all of us, control freaks out there, to make a deal that this new year, 2009, be a year of serenity to:

"...accept the things I (we)cannot change,

The courage to change the things I (we) can,

And the wisdom to know the difference."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm all for getting involved in your kid's lives, but ladies quit while you're ahead.

My sister works for a huge retail store and like most people who have worked the service industry, we have heard it all. If you've worked at a restaurant, we know about allergic reactions, there is no need to go into to detail about swelling, order your damn food and get out. If you've worked at a hair salon, we know if you've used cheap dye. If you've worked in a doctor's office we know what an emergency is and we know that if you are really sick you will take whatever appointment we can give you, no matter if it interferes with little Sally's tap lessons. And if you have worked retail, we have definitely seen and heard it all.

However, one thing I have never heard is "Before I check out, let me call my daughter's friend to make sure she will like this one". WTF? Since when is it okay for moms to act like her daughter's friends are her friends? If anything she should call another mom to make sure, not her friend directly. I'm sorry lady, but you belong on a list for the socially retarded. It is never cool for moms to break the code of teenagers*. (**Code of Teenagers: Parents are not your friends.**)If it's the wrong one, oh well, most teenagers think their moms are crazy and wouldn't be surprised if you screwed up her holiday wish list.

My point is give your kids some space, let them have a private life, and secretly keep tabs on them, the old fashioned way. Spy on them, listen to them when they are talking to you, or just talk to the other moms. Give them space, but if suspect your kid is a big hoe bag, or a druggie, of course you should intervene, but seriously ladies, if you think your a cool hip mom, it doesn't matter how new your boobs are, or how old your surgeon told you you look, you are still a mom and they are still just kids. Get your own friends your own age, Dena Lohan(s)!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our KID-FREE Weekend!

Like most parents,with a pulse, we, on average,go out, as a couple, once every other month. We usually go to dinner and a movie, or sometimes just one or the other. The warden has been traveling a little more than usual, this year, so "date nights" have been somewhat "non-existent". So, after figuring out how many frequent flier miles he's racked up, I decided that it was time to redeem those babies and book a "kid-free" holiday. Where did we go? Was it warm and tropical? Or was it another attempt at a skiing adventure?

Neither, we went to the WINDY City. Yes, it was a tad chilly, but it was a place we had never been to together. And quite honestly, it was absolutely perfect. We just walked the Magnificent Mile,Rush Street and State Street, went to the Museum of Science and Industry, Navy Pier, and you bet your sweet bippy we ate like little pigs. It was great.

No strollers, no meltdowns, no bedtimes, no "wake" times, no time outs, no repeating myself, no 5 minute showers, no kid menus, it was all about US!!!! Finally. I wish I could say we had great stories to share, but we honestly just relaxed and enjoyed freezing our asses off, just US.

***I know I am going catch some shit for failing to call some old friends of mine, that live nearby,but I hope that they understand that it was just a me and the warden weekend. Thank you also to my p's for watching the little dictator, you have no idea how HUGE that was of you.XOXO

Monday, December 8, 2008

I Made Love to a Milkshake....

No. Not Really. However, after indulging in Chick-fil-a's Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshake today, I did have the urge to smoke a cigarette. If you live near a Chick-fil-a,I urge you to go try one of these puppies out. The little dictator, the warden and I sucked that thing down. We were at the mall today, and I noticed that as the holidays are growing near, people's fuses are getting short. But, if we all treated ourselves with a little bit of yummy, it helps take the edge off. So, for one last time, TRY THE FRIGGIN' MILKSHAKE!!!!! You will not be sorry.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Little Guy was put in "time-out" yesterday @ School!

Great, one more thing to worry about. My behavioral-disordered child. I know that I was being set up yesterday when Ms. Teacher asked,"how do you discipline at home?". I told her the truth, which is we "send him to his room". Which actually, for us, has benefits, "out of sight out of mind". She looked relieved when I said that, because she then followed up with your kid and his little pal were little shits today and they both went to time out. I was wondering why she sighed in relief and then I remembered that this is 2008 and there are parents out their who don't believe in any discipline. I don't know how they do it, but God Bless them. So here's a question, do I need to apologize for his behavior, next time he gets in trouble, or do I just listen to the report and smile? I can't believe this was the first time, he is sent to his room like 3 times a week and I must say "NO!" about a dozen times a day. I guess he's just testing out these ladies, but I am still embarrassed. He must get this naughty behavior from his father's side of the family, because he certainly didn't get it from my side, we are all perfect.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A New Found Pleasure......

MovieWeb - Movie Photos, Videos & More

About ten weeks ago, the magician who cares for my hair, Adam, recommended a little "new" show called True Blood. A few weeks after that, a fabulous girlfriend of mine,Erin, concurred with the magician and told me I had to watch it. So after seven weeks of procrastination, I am slowly getting reeled in and I've only watched three episodes, but I can say that I am actually hooked. I never watched Buffy, I've only seen one vampire movie, Lost Boys, and quite honestly I thought vampires were kind of silly. I was so wrong. This show is great. So, thank you Adam and Erin for getting me hooked on something new. And to anyone whose thinking of taking on a new pleasure, check out True Blood on HBO OnDemand, you won't be sorry. FYI: The character Jason is HOT! But, Bill, the vampire is kinda turning me on, too.....