Friday, February 27, 2009

My Personal Politcal Analogy

I was watching Fox News this afternoon, during one of my son's timeouts, and heard one of the Fox commentators and an opposing commentator give and compare political analogies, neither made sense to me, but at dinner I was talking to my hubby about it and I came up with :

If our government was American Idol, Simon would be the GOP and Paula would be the democrats.

And kind of with a chuckle he said, "Sure".

If the political "news" media would speak to us in entertainment terms, I think we would all be better off.

Spencer and Heidi= GOP
Brad and Angie= Democrats

Feel free to share your analogies...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pardon me doc, but you're an A-HOLE!

I hate to be a complainer, but here I go.

My little guy went to bed last night with a low grade fever, 99.7 and a dose of Motrin. He slept fine, but woke up with the same fever and a pitiful little look on his face. So, I got us an appointment at 9:10 this morning. Of course, as we entered the "human incubator of funk", also know as the pediatrician's office, the little rascal was back to his old tricks. Except with a fever. The nurse took us back, weighed him, took his temp, 99.8, and asked me why we were there. Technically, I had no idea, except the fever and his pitifullness. The nurse asked me if we had been anywhere that could have possibly gotten his exposed to something. I told her we had been to a jumping place for a birthday and he went to a playland with Nana and Papa. She nodded like, duh? Anyway, we waited for our doc, who I have always liked until today. He checked him out, ears, nose, throat, back, tummy, and he found NOTHING! What does this mean, to me a common person, somewhat educated, privately insured, punctual, respectful? He's got a virus. Really doctor, what kind? "I don't know mom, there are 3000 kinds of viruses out there, so I don't know." I am not kidding you that is word for word what that A-HOLE said, "I don't know". Well doc, you know what I didn't know either, so I came to you, M.D.. I guess I should have gone to McDonald's to have my kid looked at, I would have gotten the same answer. These "professionals" kill me!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Foot in Mouth Syndrome!

Hello Readers,
Do you ever say things in front of the wrong people?
Do you ever wish you could make your "word vomit" stop?
Do you ever, in mid-sentence, start clicking your heels, to see if you can leave a situation immediately?

If so, you are not alone, its called "foot in mouth syndrome"? I used to think I had tourette's. Wrong.... Then I was told that I lack what some people may call a filter... Wrong,again. I just talk and talk and talk. Damn it! I think it might be genetic, but unfortunately, it's untreatable,possibly fatal.

Today I ran into a friend of ours, who is single,and I was going on and on about how we think he should try to be the next Bachelor. We laughed and carried on and then his "girlfriend" met up with us and she kind of gave us a look like what are you guys talking about, and he got quiet so I said, 1/2 jokingly, that I was just telling him that he should be the next bachelor. Ha! Ha! She didn't think it was funny at all, actually she snarled. Whoops! First, I didn't know he was seeing anyone, and let me add, he's like 60 and she's probably mid-40's, and I really didn't mean to piss her off. Anyway, if anyone suffers like me, please help me get the help I need before I get my ass kicked.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Valentine's Day

MovieWeb - Movie Photos, Videos & More

Our BIG Valentine's date was actually Friday night. It was really nice because my hubby came home early, like three and Nana and Papa came to get our little offspring at three thirty. It was as if God was reading my mind. We went to dinner and to see the movie Taken. Dinner was so-so, but the movie was awesome. I actually chose this movie, not my hubby, and enjoyed every ass-whipping it had to offer. After the movie, I told my husband that I wish I could kick someone's ass as swiftly as this guy did. Real romantic-huh? Anyway, we were home around nine and since this week I was battling a not very sexy cough/throat funk, my awesome ENT, Dr. Mark Yanta, prescribed me a super-duper cough medicine that not only knocked my cough out of me, it actually knocked me out. The romance was turned on high this V-Day. Needless to say, I feel great and had a great date with my hubby even though it was a sedated one.

Oh, as for the movie Taken. Loved the story, loved the action, didn't really care for the way the daughter treated her dad, but I understand it's fiction. Ummmmmm...

Date Night-A+

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Slumdog is my favorite dog!

MovieWeb - Movie Photos, Videos & More

This was a very cute movie. A little sad in some parts, but a great balance between drama and endearing? I guess. Is it a must see? Let me just say that its not a disappointment, but I'm not convinced its "Best Picture". I saw it with a friend and my sister and we all enjoyed it. It was kind of a Girl's Night, so that is always fun.

Grade- Solid B+