Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am way to young for this...

Not really.

What I am referring to is I am officially a mother of a school aged child. That's right, not a preschooler, a school aged child.

It is so weird. I remember my kindergarten teacher and now my little man has one too. And she is adorable and younger than me. It's really crazy. We are nine days in and so far so good. I feel okay about our school, still a little anxious, but okay enough to keep sending him.

I have been enjoying my time with just the little one at home, so that keeps me a little less crazy than I could be.

I worry of course about silly things that I can not control, like who he befriends, how others will treat him, I especially worry about what they are not teaching him. I knew that this milestone would come and also that it would come quickly, but DAMN!, it really did fly by.

Another small step for us as a family and many more to come, but I still can't believe it!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Like Mother Like Son...

Well Summer 2011 has started in our home, this week, and let's just say it has started with two trips to the doctor. One for baby and one for me. Let's just say that when one thing happens around here another is usually quick to follow. We are fine just matching ear infections, who says mom and son can't ever have matching anything?

We are fine, just a crazy crazy rant. I also wanted to make sure the ol' blog was still in place.

Happy Summer Everyone.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

OK, he's ready, but am I?

This week I had our little guy's 4 year old preschool conference and it went well. He seems to be doing well and thriving academically and socially. Which is FANTASTIC and I should be beaming with joy, right? Well, it was great until Ms. Teacher said "He's definitely ready for Kindergarten". That's when the DJ stopped and I started to zone out. My little monkey? Kindergarten? How? Who says he's ready? Can't I just swaddle him up and keep him home FOREVER? I realize school doesn't start until August, but its a lot closer than we think. I guess I'll just have to get used to the idea and give thanks for how far we have come. I am so proud of him and proud of the warden and I, we seem to be doing a good job with this whole parenting thing, if the teacher says our little student is ready for the "BIG SHOW".

Stay tuned for more milestones....