Saturday, August 1, 2009

My EVIL Plan!

So, lately I've had the urge to lie and enroll my three year old in kindergarten. Not because he is ready for it or even 5 years old, but because around here, school starts in some counties Monday, August 3rd, or in our county the 10th. And I do not live in denial, and must admit that little man needs something else to do besides hang out with me. Preschool doesn't start until the end of the month. BOO!

I can't believe that I am saying this, but I am tired of going to the pool. I am tired of thinking of new fun things to stimulate my munchkin. If I have to pack one more cooler of snacks and treats I think I am going to lock myself in the damn cooler! I've read the the best days of school are the first and the last and even though I was so reluctant to put my little munchkin in preschool,last year, I can't wait to send him back!

I know, I know, I sound like a selfish brat, but I don't care.

Here is my EVIL plan, for tomorrow:

I am invited to a baby shower at 11 am. I plan on going to shower, having a little fun and on the way home I am planning on "getting lost". Thank goodness for my little GPS, I can get lost whenever I want. I feel a little guilty, but that should pass. Enjoy your Sunday everyone, I sure will.