Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Who else thinks that Baby doll style tops are AWFUL?

So I was shopping the other day, like a good stay at home mom does, (HA!), and was looking for a shirt to wear with jeans, that wasn't a black long sleeve tee, and what did I notice? Everything looked like maternity wear from the 60's. Please, I pray to the fashion gods, like Ralph Lauren, GAP, and Target, please stop all production of these AWFUL baby doll style tops! They are not cool or flattering. And I don't care who you are, no one should wear these. They make single women look preggers, robust women look more robust and beautiful pregnant women look chunky. We are not all supermodels, but we aren't Ugly Betty's either, so please stop wearing these shirts and start accentuating your curves, tastefully, with snugger shirts that hug your body not hide your body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're fugly.