Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pardon me doc, but you're an A-HOLE!

I hate to be a complainer, but here I go.

My little guy went to bed last night with a low grade fever, 99.7 and a dose of Motrin. He slept fine, but woke up with the same fever and a pitiful little look on his face. So, I got us an appointment at 9:10 this morning. Of course, as we entered the "human incubator of funk", also know as the pediatrician's office, the little rascal was back to his old tricks. Except with a fever. The nurse took us back, weighed him, took his temp, 99.8, and asked me why we were there. Technically, I had no idea, except the fever and his pitifullness. The nurse asked me if we had been anywhere that could have possibly gotten his exposed to something. I told her we had been to a jumping place for a birthday and he went to a playland with Nana and Papa. She nodded like, duh? Anyway, we waited for our doc, who I have always liked until today. He checked him out, ears, nose, throat, back, tummy, and he found NOTHING! What does this mean, to me a common person, somewhat educated, privately insured, punctual, respectful? He's got a virus. Really doctor, what kind? "I don't know mom, there are 3000 kinds of viruses out there, so I don't know." I am not kidding you that is word for word what that A-HOLE said, "I don't know". Well doc, you know what I didn't know either, so I came to you, M.D.. I guess I should have gone to McDonald's to have my kid looked at, I would have gotten the same answer. These "professionals" kill me!


Anonymous said...

Are you serious?!

Tell him to suck it.

Eric said...

That is how I feel about one of our OBGYNs...
