Monday, April 26, 2010

Where have we been all month?

Well, let's see.....

* We had a beautiful baby boy (8 lbs. 8 oz.)
* We celebrated Easter
* The warden had a vasectomy
* We celebrated our little man's 4th birthday
* We started T-ball and Tennis season (our little guy did, not us)
* We even squeezed in 3 birthday parties (for classmates)

God is good! We did all of this and recovered from the c-section and vasectomy without any major hang-ups!

Life with two is more of a mental thing, than anything. I feel like with two, I need to be 100% with both and I am adjusting my mommy guilt button to let myself give equal amounts of lovin', not 50-50, more like 100-100, you know what I mean. My husband (the warden) feels the same way. It's better than I expected, but notice that this time I am so willing to let go of my control issues and ask for HELP!

I also notice that I pray a little more each day for strength, patience, and energy. When we had our first son, I remember praying for miracles, this time I am praying for little things. We are so blessed and I really think that our timing was perfect for #2. We all enjoy watching him grow. We had his 1 month check and little man's 4 year old check today and they are both thriving, which makes me happy. I could have done without the shots (4 year olds get 5 shots, 1 month olds get 1 shot).

Times up! Until next time....

1 comment:

The Fokens Family said...

Your timing was PERFECT! It helps to have a good amount of space between the kiddos..I agree:)

Congrats to your family of four!