So my sissy told me weeks ago to write a review about Sex and the City (SATC) and here I am three weeks later and I am surprised its not on DVD already. Just to give you a little history about moi, I love the show. As a matter of fact, I love it so much that I saw the midnight showing of the, much anticipated, movie on May 30th. The verdict is in and it isn't that great. Like I said before, I love the show. However, the screen version was just
all right. Sure the costume design is phenomenal, the city never looked better,but I just didn't feel all warm and fuzzy afterward. Sarah Jessica Parker, Carrie, did a great job with her story, Kristen Davis, Charlotte, did great as well. But, Kim Catrell and Cynthia Nixon,Samantha and Miranda, were not on top of there games. AT ALL. Kim Catrell oozed an attitude, like hurry up and get me off this f'ing set. And Cynthia Nixon didn't seem like she was into it either and unfortunately it showed. There is a positive side to this movie though, which made it worth my $10. And it was making a big deal out of going to see it with one of my dearest friends. She is like me, a stay-at-home mom, who loves SATC and loves before movie drinks, Chocolate Martinis. So if its not on DVD yet, check it out with your girlfriends, or boyfriends, for the clothes, a few good laughs and actually some tears. But bring your barf bag for Miranda's love scene at the end, yuck!
Grade: low C
FYI:Jennifer Hudson is precious in this movie.