So I have blogged about my latest and greatest find yet,as a mom, my beloved Hip Hop Class. Yes, I am still at it and recently our little dance group took home platinum ribbons and a trophy for our 2 minute 31 second routine. Who would have thought that all I had to do to get a ribbon and a trophy, after becoming a mom, was to join a Hip Hop dance group? I thought that after carrying a child inside of my body for 35 weeks, would have gotten me, at least, a certificate. It didn't. And my 15 hours of labor, before the doc decided I needed a c-section? You guessed it, NO honorable mention. And of course, I nursed my little munchkin for one WHOLE year. Again, NO RIBBON, NO TROPHY, NOTHING!!! I think that we, all moms, even, the snotty ones, deserve a congressional medal for all of our efforts, our sleepless nights, leaky boobs, episiotomies, c-section scars, endless diapers, endless homework assignments, etc... The duties are infinite.
Since the government won't step in and recognize our efforts, here's my suggestion: Get involved in something that has a beginning and an end. Going to the gym or running doesn't have a championship or recital. I know that being a mother is supposed to be a selfless act and for the most part its actually pretty rewarding, however every now and then its nice to have a little recognition. Since I have found my outlet (Hip Hop class), I am begging all of the other moms to get off the couch, put the chocolates down, blow the dust off of your hidden talents and get moving. If you like to bake, enter a bake off. If you can sing, join a choir or open mic night. If you are athletic, try a triathlon. Anything will do. Who knows, you might get your ribbon or trophy, that is so long overdue. And that ribbon or trophy will symbolize YOU. PLEASE DO IT FOR YOU AND YOU ALONE!!!!